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About 28'Lab

二十八號研究室 28hex4lab

Hi We are 28'Lab !!

28 號研究室是一個熱衷於探索人類圖的小圈圈。在這裡,我們不僅提供方便使用的人類圖排盤工具,還紀錄著我們的研究成果、思考過程和經驗分享。如果你和我們一樣,對人類圖充滿興趣,歡迎定期關注我們的動態,或者加入我們的社群平台,讓我們一起討論交流,激發更多靈感吧!

「在人類圖的系統中,易經是其核心的組成部分之一。從人生角色、閘門到整個易經輪軸圖,我們都能看到易經、卦象與爻線的深層連結。甚至於在更細緻的 Color 或 Tone 層面,也能發現與易經相呼應的線索,展現其無限的奧秘。
宇宙的起源,所謂的「大霹靂」,將原初能量分化為陰陽兩極。陰性能量以收縮、凝聚、被動、規範與回應為特質;陽性能量則展現出擴張、發散、主動、啟發與發起的特質。這兩股能量在不斷交融之中,構築了豐富多元且奇妙無比的宇宙。」-- 28號研究室

28'Lab is a passionate community dedicated to exploring the world of Human Design. Here, we not only provide an intuitive Human Design charting tool but also document our research findings, thought processes, and personal insights. If you, like us, are fascinated by Human Design, we invite you to follow our updates or join us on our social platforms. Let’s exchange ideas and inspire one another to dive deeper into this amazing system!


“In the world of Human Design, the I Ching forms a foundational cornerstone.
From Profiles and Gates to the entire I Ching Wheel, we can observe profound connections with the hexagrams and their corresponding lines. Even on a finer scale—within the realms of Color and Tone—there are remarkable links to the I Ching, revealing its endless mysteries.

The origins of the universe, often referred to as the ‘Big Bang,’ saw primal energy split into the dual forces of yin and yang. Yin energy embodies qualities of contraction, cohesion, receptiveness, regulation, and response, while yang energy expresses expansion, diffusion, initiative, inspiration, and activation. The interplay of these two energies creates a rich, diverse, and wondrous cosmos.”​

-- by 28'lab

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